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Newcastle University Mountaineering Club

Lane Cove River Rogaine

Sun, 24 Nov 2024
08:00 - 18:00

Rogaine, anyone?

If you've ever heard of orienteering, rogaining is similar. It involves navigation and route-finding, but instead of trying to be the fastest on a set course, rogaining is a race to win as many points as possible within a set time.

This rogaine is 6-hour rogaine in North Head at Manly and involves lots of navigation, strategy and route-finding, as well as lovely bush scenery and historic sites. There may even be the potential for a swim.

Teams comprise between 2 and 5 people. If we get more than 5 people, we'll have a meeting beforehand to see if we can organise teams. If you've got any team preferences, let me know.

Entries and ticket sales close on the 17th of November.

Prices through NSW Rogaining are: Concession: $32, Adult: $45. I can register and pay for teams if you pay me back afterwards :) Let me know if you are not concession, I'll assume everyone is a student.

Details are here: https://nswrogaining.org/2024-socialgaine/

For anyone new to rogaining read this: https://nswrogaining.org/novices/ . It'll make your life easier.

Let me know by email if you are not a novice. (Novice teams get their own special awards category)

You will need:

  • A compass
  • A comfortable day pack
  • Comfortable and durable active wear - loose, long-sleeved
  • Comfortable shoes
  • 2 litres of water
  • Energy dense food that will keep you going for 6 hours!
  • Torch
  • Small First Aid Kit
  • Swimmers, if you're feeling keen

Each team should travel to and from the event in a separate car. Here's the approximate timings:

  • 6:00am Meet at Gear Shed
  • 6:10am Leave Gear Shed
  • 8:30am(ish) Arrive at Manly, plan route attend novice briefing
  • 10:00am Rogaine starts
  • 16:00pm Rogaine ends
  • 17:00pm Leave Manly after awards presentations
  • 19:30pm(ish) Arrive at Gear Shed

Any questions, email Samuel: samuel@sjf.id.au


Ticket Type Price
Driver - I'd love to rogaine! (note it's $32 for an actual ticket through NSW rogaining) $0.00 Sale Ended
Passenger - I'd love to rogaine! (note it's $32 for an actual ticket through NSW rogaining) $0.00 Sale Ended
North Head and Sydney Harbour National Park
North Head, Manly NSW 2095, Australia

The Forum, 130 University Drive, Callaghan, New South Wales, 2308, Australia

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