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Newcastle University Mountaineering Club

Trip Planning Evening

Wed, 7 Jun 2023
18:00 - 20:00

Want to learn how to plan and run club trips? Have Ideas for a club trip that you'd love to make a reality? Need help finishing off a trip you've started planning? Learn everything you need and get a free dinner shouted by the club too!

Our trips usually have a trip organiser (who plans where we go, what we do and who the instructors are) and a trip leader (who runs the trip on the day, makes sure no one dies and everyone gets instruction). Anyone can be a trip organiser, no prior knowledge needed and it's not even that hard! 

If you're a competent climber, canyoner, caver, kayaker, hiker, mountain biker, orienteer or any other adventure sport afficionado feel free to come along and learn about what is involved as a trip leader too!

Bring along a laptop for planning trips on, plenty of ideas and an empty stomach. We will put on a BBQ for attendees. The evening will start from 6pm at the gear shed around the back of the forum https://goo.gl/maps/fTjRbWFBYzw45ZEn7

Without volunteers our trips do not run, so if you have benefited from club trips in the past we'd love it if you considered passing the love along by organising/running a trip!

Ticket Type Price
Attendee $0.00 Sale Ended
Newcastle University Mountaineering Club
University Dr, Callaghan NSW 2308, Australia

The Forum, 130 University Drive, Callaghan, New South Wales, 2308, Australia

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