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Newcastle University Mountaineering Club

Pulse Climbing Night 1 August 2022

Mon, 1 Aug 2022
15:00 - 21:00



Ticket sales will close at 2pm on the day of. 

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we are having to change the way we climb. 

For now we have to make sure we do not bring too many people and that we comply with all requests from Pulse staff and the club to ensure everyone's safety.

As such we will be splitting those coming to Pulse social climbing nights into three groups of no more than 20 each. Please get your free ticket to book your spot and please only come at the time you have got a ticket for. If there are too many people Pulse may have to ask some to leave so it is imperative that we all stick to our times. Please only get one ticket and be prepared to have to leave at the end of your allotted session if the gym is busy so that new people can come in. 

We ask that you do not attend if:

  • You are awaiting a COVID-19 test result
  • You have been in contact with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 7 days
  • You have been overseas in the last 7 days
  • You have or have had ANY infectious disease in the last 7 days (dealing with other illnesses increases the risk of having serious complications from COVID-19)
  • You are immuno-compromised or have contact with anyone who is immuno-compromised

I know some of these may sound harsh but if there is even one positive case because of us climbing will be shut down immediately, do not ruin it for the rest of us!

Additionally we all need to make sure we continue to:

  • Sanitise our hands between climbs
  • Sanitise carabiners at every change over
  • Do not share personal equipment
  • Cough/sneeze into elbows or preferably a tissue instead of on your hands followed by washing/sanitising the coughed on area immediately
  • Keep 1.5m away from each other
  • Comply with limits to how many people in each area (20 in boulder area, 8 upstairs, etc) - these are all labelled
  • Comply with staff instructions - if you do not you will be asked to leave the gym and possibly the club, this is a serious matter with serious consequences for the safety of individuals, the accountability of the club and Pulse

I look forward to seeing 59 other people there, stay safe, have fun and climb well!

Ticket Type Price
Climbing from 5-7pm (please only one session per person) $0.00 Unavailable
Climbing from 7-9pm (please only one session per person) $0.00 Unavailable
Climbing from 3-5pm (please only one session per person) $0.00 Sale Ended
Pulse Climbing
122 Garden Grove Parade, Adamstown NSW 2289, Australia

The Forum, 130 University Drive, Callaghan, New South Wales, 2308, Australia

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